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Listen: Sales V. Marketing with Smelly Pirates

Listen: Smelly Pirates discuss marketing and sales for B2B tech.

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The relationship between marketing and sales has always been a delicate one. Both sales and marketing departments focus on attracting new clients or customers, but they operate and are incentivized quite differently. That presents challenges, especially in a tech sector that’s been careening from one disruption to the next for years.

Back in the dark ages, there existed a clearer line between the two operations and a more formal transition of leads from marketing to sales. More recently, the line between marketing and sales has blurred. The marketing and sales teams more often find themselves working together both upstream and down, with sales reps generating topic ideas for marketing content and marketers working directly on presentation decks or other sales enablement tools.

That makes for a crowded galley around supper time. Buyer’s journeys can overlap with the sales funnel. Target personas can be classified “warm sales leads” simply by accessing  a single gated marketing asset. Prospects can just as quickly pop out of the sales funnel, often when expectations set by marketing don’t align with what the sales team is elevating.

In this episode of the Smelly Pirate Content Creation Show, our intrepid crew plumbs the depths of the marketing versus sales debate. Join them on a trip round the horn as they discuss the friction between marketing and sales, ponder why so many military metaphors get used in the discussion, and offer up some thoughts on how marketing and sales can coexist peacefully on the poop deck.

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